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Monday, June 30, 2008


某日翻阅某杂志时发现了一篇有趣的报道:“某心理学家建议人们不时进行有意识的自言自语。” 专家认为自言自语是最健康的舒缓精神压力的好方法。自己的声音能令自己镇静、较容易走出阴影,投入社交活动。





Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Orange Country

Orange located in South California, United States. Orange preserved many old buildings in its Old Town District that were built prior 1920.

Saturday, June 7, 2008



关于端午节的由来,众说纷纭,有人说是为了纪念屈原;有人说是为了纪念伍子胥 ;有人说是为了纪念曹娥;有人说端午起源于三代夏至节;有人说端午是恶月恶日驱避,也有人说端午是吴月民族图腾祭说等等。





Sunday, June 1, 2008


Gerbera ,also known as African Daisy, is one of the most common flower we see in florist shop besides carnations and roses.

Gerbera is a genus of the family of sunflower, daisy, and aster.

Gerbera species bear a large capitulum with striking, two-lipped ray florets in light to dark yellow, orange, pink, brilliant scarlet, deep red, and many more colors. The capitulum, which has the appearance of a single flower, is actually composed of hundreds of individual flowers. The morphology of the flowers varies depending on their position in the capitulum.

Gerbera has long vase life and wide range of colors, therefore Gerbera is widely use to decorate a room or garden.

Gerbera has approximately 30 species in the wild, extending to South America, Africa, Madagascar, and tropical Asia Generally, Gerbera can be categorized into four groups:
  • Single Flowers - Has a row of non-overlapping petals (ray florets) with a green center (disc florets)
  • Double or duplex - Has a double row of overlapping petals with a green, black, or dark red eye.
  • Crested doubles - Has two rows of overlapping petals with one or more inner rows of shorter petals with a green, black, or dark red eye.
  • Full crested doubles - Has solid overlapping rows of petals with an inner row diminishing in size, covering the eye entirely.