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Saturday, October 3, 2009

Cotton Cheese Cake

因为各种因素,Blur Blur Land Bakery 已经许久没开炉了。
眼看维尼熊节快到了又适逢中秋节,呆呆熊趁着假日尝试做自己最喜欢的cotton cheese cake。

Cotton cheese cake不像普通cheese cake需要饼底, cheese的用量也较少;也不像奶油蛋糕需要大量牛油、鸡蛋与面粉。除了涂在蛋糕盘上以方便脱模的少量牛油外,这个蛋糕可以说是无油蛋糕喔。


这是第一次用water bath的方法来烘蛋糕。Water bath的意思就是把盛着蛋糕糊的蛋糕盘放进一个装着热水的大烤盘里一齐烘烤。Water bath大多用于需要烘烤的cheese cake、custard及布丁之类的甜点。在烘焙时,大烤盘里的热水可以降低蛋糕盘的温度避免烘炉的热力直接散发在蛋糕上。除此之外,热水增加烤炉里的湿度避免蛋糕表面过干而裂开。

最后,在蛋糕表面涂上一层柚子果酱。 大功告成 =P


Wai said...

wah... looks delicious!
i'm thinking no advance appliance which can give you the effect of water bath also? Like those sophisticated oven or baker??

Blur Blur said...

hehe... i'm not sure wor...
i'm only using an small oven... and a normal stainless steel plate to hold the water.

however, water bath is a very common method in most desserts that requires baking. So, i guess there's no replacement kua... (microwave maybe???)

Wai said...

haha engineer mind, can't change.. sometimes traditional way is better than any technology stuff lol

May*mei said...

yum yum.... when will u bake the cake again. i wan to eat. haha^^

Wai said...

yeah i second the suggestion lol