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Sunday, March 7, 2010


爸爸说:“会做手工的小朋友,待人处事都会比较细心。” 因为这样,没有艺术细胞的小呆呆熊总是很用心地做美工作业。可惜,大人们都不这么欣赏小呆呆熊的作品。客人到访时总会说:“哎呀,你这么画成这样,你爸爸的画工可是很好的,你看你看,颜色都涂出线了。”每次小呆呆熊都会想:“画画不应该是天马行空的吗?做手工劳作一定要墨守成规吗?”



+_+||| 真的有这么差吗?谁规定狗不可以是黄色的?猫不能是橙色的吗?


Wai said...

Nice, this is like those imaginary animals in animation haha... Btw, where can i get such toys to play with?

Blur Blur said...

Imaginary animals? okay, I admit the dog is a little too 'yellow'

It's soft clay.
There is a shop in QB teaches and sell the ingredient. However, the fees are quite expensive...

Another option, get a soft clay art book and learn from the book step by step...

Wai said...

dun tell me u make the dog yellow because that was the ingredient u have at that moment lol...

do you have the book?

Blur Blur said...


Did anyone ever says that you are very smart? hehe...

Wai said...

well, i'm smart is a truth that everyone knows LOL...